Novel- "The Incurable Optimist"

My current project is a novel which is mostly set in Wichita Falls, Texas in the 1980s. It is purely a work of fiction and is not meant to portray any real events or people of Wichita Falls. Nevertheless it is important to me that any references I make to the city or area be as accurate as possible. 

This novel is growing out of a short story by the same title that I wrote more than a year ago. From that I created a story outline for the novel. But even with a working outline, novels and characters have a tendency to evolve and grow. Things that were just a passing reference in the short story need much more 'fleshing out' in a novel that will be more than 20 times as long!

I'm 73 and retired from the field of Quality Assurance. As much as I'd like to, I can't visit every location in a story. 

So I'm creating this blog in the hopes that some people in the Wichita Falls area (and a few other areaswill take pity on me and chime in with their views and recollections of life in north Texas, especially in and around Wichita Falls, in the 1980's (and possibly some earlier time periods to be announced later).
I'll be posting pages on particular events in the novel, locations/settings where those events take place, the time periods, etc. Any comments, info and viewpoints that you choose to share will be greatly appreciated. 

Please leave a comment on anything you think would be helpful. Or you can email me at-  


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